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symbolic value中文是什么意思

用"symbolic value"造句"symbolic value"怎么读"symbolic value" in a sentence


  • 符号值
  • 象征意义价值


  • We use an address symbolic value propagation algorithm to derive possible address set that might be accessed by a memory instruction
  • An obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need , usually arising from an unconscious symbolic value associated with the stolen item
  • The collectors could not cope with the number of voluntary contributions from all the houses , above all the wedding rings , as esteemed for their real price as for their symbolic value
  • To reflect the intimate association between the prized trees and the community , residents have commonly bestowed on them religious , spiritual or other symbolic values
  • In this paper i shall argue first that the special respect we ascribed to human embryos is based on their symbolic value of human life , and then i suggest a rule to moralize the bioethical debates beforehand
    英文。给prof . cohon的报告bioethics , fall , 2001 。我在本文主张,我们赋予胎儿的价值,或许可以看成是一种象徵价值,象徵著生命的价值。
用"symbolic value"造句  


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